Synapse Blog
October 24, 2016
The Ins and Outs of Competitor Keyword Bidding for PPC
One of the greatest things about PPC is that if there is a query with enough search volume, you can likely bid on...
October 14, 2016
What You Need to Know About Google’s Expanded Text Ads
In our latest blog post regarding expanded text ads (ETAs), we talked about the expected outcomes of running...
September 27, 2016
Landing the Featured Snippets Spot in Google
Since its inception, Google has tried to satisfy searchers’ intent and deliver the most streamlined user experience....
July 22, 2016
What Role Do View-Through Conversions Play in the Display Network?
Just about everyone who has used the internet is familiar with seeing those pesky Remarketing ads. In fact, every...
July 17, 2016
Consider These Three Things To Succeed with Report Automation
Reporting, some folks refer to it as a necessary evil, and others call it a fundamental tool for business. No matter...
July 8, 2016
Why Custom Landing Pages are More Important than Ever
“I’m afraid our paid search campaigns have plateaued; how do you expect to achieve the aggressive growth goals we...